
Integrated Case Study


Banking services refers to various activities by which bank help customers such as operating accounts, transferring money, selling of foreign currency,paying standing orders and many more. When a bank operate there functions they face various issues and problems relate to handling customer, money transactions, fraud, loss of money and so on (Couture, 2012). This report is based on MCTG commercial bank which is established in 1988. It is one of the leading and famous bank of Malaysia. Its major operations and functions are borrowing, lending and investing funds into investments which is profitable. They operate there business operations and functions in both local and abroad. According to case study currently they are facing issue of missing of money in back account of three customers and they are not able to identifying reason. This report include topics like major problems in respect of case study, weakness of bank's internal control and how they can improve or overcome this situation. Along with this it explain ethical attitude which is practised in respective bank.

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Main Body

1. What are the major issues in this case study?

This case study is based on MCTG commercial bank which is famous and leading bank of Malaysia. Which is establish in 1988 and conduct activities or functions like borrowing, investing and lending capitals and funds that seems profitable as well as beneficial. They offer there banking servicies activities to local and abroad residency. Headquarter of MCTG commercial bank is in Kuala Lumpur and they are conducting there busienss through 24 branches throughout Malaysia (Lipton, 2014). Respective bank is rapidely expanding there customers bases by using attracting services and products, conducting traditional credit system, do tarding, provide insurance and many more. There various role and responsibilities of MCTG commercial bank, some major of them are mentioned below:-

  • Analysis and conduct activities as well as data which help them in obtaining facts, reports and figures.
  • Evaluate and develop new or improve proposal of lending, negotiating terms use for communicate with customers and clients.
  • Visit and communicate customers and organize meeting or conferences with them and other professionals in order to enhance profitable ratio as well as customers base.
  • Train and support staff and employees for improving there performance on continuous basis.

While operating and conduct business activities MCTG commercial bank face various issues and problems which affect there profitability ratio and loyalty of customers. So barnch manger Mr. Hassan conduct meeting with employees to identify root cause fo reasons. Then accordingly they try to develop strategiues which will help them in resolving respective issues. The major issue which is face by MCTG commercial bank is that there 3 customers or clients complain that they money is missing form there bank account. Aong with this there are several issue which is also related to defianceof there business ethics and international fraud which is conducted by MCTG commercial bank employees (Kumari and Pattanayak, 2017). They are also facing issues related to internal control systme and ethical codes. Due to this respective bank is facing reduction in profitability ratio, customers bases and loyality of clients get also reduce.

For identifying appropriate root cause of issue why clients of MCTG commercial bank missing money from account they condut evoluation and analysis of internal control system. Such as control environment, risk assessment information and communication, control activities as well as monitoring. They find that in there internal control system there are some issue due to which they are notr able to identify appropriate cause of situation. So to resolve issue they can prove training to employees, appoint other team of professionals who will evaluate issues of missing money from bank account of MCTG Commercial Bank.

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2. What are the weaknesses in the bank’s internal control?

Internal control related to tool and techniques which is adopt by a bank in order to manage operations and functions in effective and efficient manner. Moreover by this they able to avoid various serious issues like overspending on ineffective work, faliure of operations, violations of legilations and regulations and many more (Snedaker, 2013). Process of internal control of an organization is get influenced by companies members like Board of directors, management and other personnels.

For appropriate conducting of safe and sound banking business operations and functions banks should develop as well as maintain effective internal control. When banks didnot develop and maintain internal control system they may face various issues or problems. This would directly and indirectly affect profitability ratio and customer base of bank. So senior manager of banks must develop appropriate system, policies, procedures, rules, legilations, process and many more in effective manner.

In respect of MCTG commercial bank which is facing issues related to there internal control system due to which their is reduction in customer base, profitability and clients loyality. Weakness of respective bank internal control is metioned below:-

Internal Control



Control Environment

The respective bank adopt holistic plan of attack which include their ethics, philosophy, operating style, structure, method which is use to assign role and responsibility to employees (Jasso-Aguilar and Waitzkin, 2015). Respective company hire only one quality personnel to manage responsibilities and provide training to employees.

Major weakness of MCTG commercial bank in respect of control environment is that they have only one trainer or quality personnel for manaing and training employees. Due to which they not able to effectively train employees. Also they not able to mange work in appropriate manner.

Risk Assessment

It refers to function by which manager of respective bank able to identify risk which is included in business operations and functions. By this head or senior of MCTG commercial bank able to identify situation which can arise risk and then accordingly they develop strategies and plans in order to serve clients in effective and appropriate manner.

Weakness of risk assessment in MCTG commercial bank is that they are not able to identify risk in appropriate manner which leads to resuce in profit and customers base (Stoddart, 2017).

Information and communication

It refers to method and techniques which is use by a respective bank in order to communicate with employees and clients in effective manner (Parnes, 2012). Along with this by it they able to communicate role and responsibilities to staff.

Here weakness of information and communication is that employees, manager and clients not able to communicate in effective manner due to which it directly and indirectly affect to profitability. Along with this due to improper communication they not able to identify reason of missing money form back account.

Control Activities

It refers to activities related to policies and procedures which is use by MCTG commercial bank for conducting particular operations and task. By it they also make assurance that bank attain goal and objective in effective manner, prevent from any fraud and many more.

In respective company control activities is consider as weakness because due to ineffective control activities they are not able to identify reason of fraud.


In this manager and superior of MCTG commercial bank monitor quality and work effictiveness of workers (Gibbons, 2017). Then accordingly they develop strategies, plans, rules and regulations in effectively manner.

In respect of respective bank case superior's monitoring is not up to the mark which is come up as a weakness. This is so because they not able to identify reason why there clients facing issues of missing money from account.

3. Explain the possible ways for improvement and recommendation to the members of the Board.

MCTG commercial bank comduct analysis and evaluation of there operations functions, internal comntrol system, policies and procedures and many more so that they able to identify appropriate reason behind fraud or missing of money from bank account. When they conduct evaluation they find that their are some weakness which affect there working, operations and internal system. So accordingly it can be recommended to members and senior authority that they can use various methods like job rotation, develop right and appropriate culture and control culture. Along with this they can create control on information system, identifying limiation and overcome it, do inspections of working and operation, train employees according to need and many more. By using these type of measures they able to improve and enhance respective bank business ethics, fraud, ethical behavious and internal control system. Some major which can be use by MCTG commercial bank in order to improve there internal control system are explained below:-

  • Train employees: By this manager or senior employees of an organisation conduct training and development progrrammes which is required and essential at a workplace in order to accomplish work in effective manner (Al-Khouri, 2012). For this senior manager of MCTG commercial bank can arrange on the job training and off the job training which is more essesntial for requirement. By this employers of respective bank able to conduct there work in appropriate manner and they also able to adopt things or new trachnology, law or regulations in effective ways. Along with this it will help employees and senior manger in identifying root cause of issue why there 3 clients missing money from there account.
  • Identify Risks in Your Office: It can be recommended to respective company manager to identify root cause of risk and accordingly then devlop strategies and plans. In this senior or branch manager of MCTG commercial bank must idfentify risk and its reasons so that they can develop rules and regulations in effective and appropriate mananer (Barrington, 2015). This will help them in dealing with situation in effcient and proper ways. Along with this when they adopt effctive rules, regualtions, policies, strategies and plans they able to attain there goal as well as objective in effective manner. They also identify reason of fraud and improve business ethics, internal system, ethical behaviour and many others.
  • Ensure Duties Are Segregated: It refers to situation where a particular duty is conduct and control by two or more persons. By this cross check of process can be done and then there is less chance of fraud (Bagheri and Jahromi, 2016). If a compnay adopt and ensue about segreation of duties they get major benefits like chnace of fraud get decreased beacuse one particular task is checked by two or more persons. Along with this if a company adopt this factors there is less chance of occurance of errors at a work place. So senior or branch manger of MCTG commercial bank conduct segeation of work by which their is reduction in the situation and occurance of fraud and error. This will help respective banks in ensuring effectivness of work, enghance in profitability and customers bases along with loyality.
  • Develop Written Policies and Procedures: It is related to policies and procedures which is develop at a workplace in order to conduct work in effective and appropriate manner. It is responsibilities of branch manager and senior authority of MCTG commercial bank to evaluate and understand situation of workplace and accordingly designa policies. By which employees conduct work in effective manner and there is also less chance of conducting fraud and errors. Along with this manager of respective company develop policies and procedures accordiong to situation and convey those rules to employees or staff sin written form. If respective bank develop as well as adopt appropriate polices and procedures and communicate effectively to employees then there is less chance of occurance of fraud and error at MCTG commercial bank.

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4. To what extent is ethical attitude being practised in this organisation?

In MCTG commercial bank branch manager and senior authority develop ethical code of ethics which include various internal control system. Such as control environment, risk assessment, information and communication, control activities and monitoring. Control environment is related to business ethics, structure, style, method and other which help manger, employees and authority in handling cash deposits, sales of credit cards, mainting of returns and reports in effective and appropriate manner (Al-Khouri, 2012). By risk assessment respective banks able to identify and analysis risk situation which help them in developing strategies accordingly, MCTG commercial bank employer use this for record accounting transactions. Moreover respective banks adopt information and communication to convey and gather information and data in effective and appropriate manner. This will help MCTG commercial bank to conduct work or task in proper manner in order to attain goal and objective. Along with this branch manger and senior authority at MCTG commercial bank implement control activities which is use to direct, guide and control employees or staff so that they conduct work in proper manner in order to attain goal (Couture, 2012). This will leads to reduction in fraud situation, condcut activities in appropriate manner, authorization of physical control and many more. At last they adopt monitoring through which senior authority monitor and asses policies and procedures which is conducting at MCTG commercial bank. For this they hire internal auditors that review internal control system of company and identifying staff are working or conducting there work in appropriate manner or not. Then accordingly senior authority and branch manager develop strategies, policies, procedures, rules and regulations and plans in order to attain goal and objective in effective and efficient manner. When MCTG commercial bank conduct and manager these ethical and internal control system they face some limitation or bariers which leads to major issues which they are facing. That is 3 clients of respective bank complain that their is missing of money from there bank account even when they didn't do withdrawal form last many months. Managers finds that there are vasrious limitation in coducting these factors like they have only one professionals to train employees and conduct analysis. Along with this they also not able to identify appropriate risk situations due to this they not able to take actions at effective time.


From the above discussed point it can be evaluate and conclude that when a bank operate there business operations and functions they face various issues and problems. Such as loss of money in account, fraud, leaking of clients or customers personal informations, front desk issues and many more. These type of issues may be occur due to limitation of internal control of related bank. For this it is responsibility and duty of head management of bank that they take care of thinks which is conducting in bank. Such as they must hire appropriate number of security, adopt security system which is effective and secure. Along with this bank must provide training and development courses to there staffs so that they conduct there work in effective and appropriate manner.


Books and journals

  • Couture, W. G. (2012). The Falsity-Scienter Inference.Securities Regulation Law Journal,40, 303.
  • Lipton, A. M. (2014). Halliburton and the Dog that Didn't Bark.Duke J. Const. L. & Pub. Pol'y,10, 1.
  • Kumari, P., & Pattanayak, J. K. (2017). Linking earnings management practices and corporate governance system with the firms’ financial performance: A study of Indian commercial banks.Journal of Financial Crime.24(2). 223-241.
  • Snedaker, S. (2013).Business continuity and disaster recovery planning for IT professionals. Newnes.
  • Jasso-Aguilar, R., & Waitzkin, H. (2015). Resisting the imperial order and building an alternative future in medicine and public health.Monthly Review.67(3). 130.
  • Stoddart, B. (2017). At the end of the day’s play: reflections on cricket, culture and meaning. InThe imperial game. Manchester University Press.
  • Parnes, D. (2012). Modeling operational risk for good and bad bank loans.The Journal of Operational Risk.7(4). 43.
  • Gibbons, J. (2017). Policy recontextualisation: the proposed introduction of a multiple-choice test for the entry-level assessment of the legal knowledge of prospective solicitors in England and Wales, and the potential effect on university-level legal education.International Journal of the Legal Profession.24(3). 227-241.
  • Al-Khouri, A. M. (2012). Biometrics technology and the new economy: A review of the field and the case of the United Arab Emirates.International Journal of Innovation in the Digital Economy (IJIDE).3(4). 1-28.
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